Professional Development Programs

AAA Audit Educator’s Bootcamp

The AAA Audit Educator’s Bootcamp, held each June, includes discussions of current practices related to the auditing profession. Coverage will include various topics including audit planning, internal controls, risk, materiality and substantive testing. Participants will receive a set of materials that they can customize for use in their classrooms as well as a list of available resources for audit-related teaching materials.

While it is directed to faculty, the organizers have provided The PhD Project with a limited number of spaces for doctoral students who are ABD and teaching or intend to teach auditing once on faculty. For more information on this exciting program, contact us at

Aspiring Leaders Seminar – The Leadership Project

The PhD Project is proud to host the Aspiring Leaders Seminar – The Leadership Project. This program was developed in partnership with AACSB and retired Dean Andy Policano in 2015. This program was designed to inspire the next generation of business school faculty to take on administrative roles such as department head, dean, provost, and president.

Dean Policano took on the challenge of creating a valuable Aspiring Leaders Seminar (ALS) that brought together diverse business school faculty for this purpose. He used his book, “From Ivory Tower to Glass House,” as a foundation for the seminar due to its systematic treatment of both the challenges faced by higher education and potential strategies to address them. This book covers many important topics relevant to academic leaders: funding, mediation and negotiation techniques, change management, crisis management, strategic planning, fundraising, and board development.

In 2022, Dean Policano handed the reins to three members of The PhD Project serving as business school deans to ensure the longevity of the ALS, which allowed him to retire from his many years of service to The PhD Project. Session facilitators come from R1, HBCU and Religious affiliated schools to ensure attendees have representation.

The program is an in-person, 1 ½ day meeting held during the summer. We invite approximately 20-25 PhD Project faculty members who have achieved tenure at their institutions. These are individuals who may be currently serving in, applying for, or considering leadership positions in the future.

For more information on this exciting program, contact us at

CARMA – Consortium for Advancement of Research Methods and Analysis

CARMA Affiliate Programs are a set of free programs offered in partnership with professional associations and groups from fields of management. Their focus is educating faculty and graduate students on discipline appropriate research methods. These programs allow access to resources already developed by CARMA, as well as new events developed for and in partnership with CARMA Affiliates.

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Strategies for Teaching Success – partnering with Bentley University

In July 2015, Bentley University piloted a program for PhD Project members to address teaching skills. This invitation only session has become an annual event, held each June for new and emerging faculty.  For more information, contact us at

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The PhD Project and Baruch College Research Symposium

The PhD Project and the Baruch College at the City University of New York, invite doctoral students who are members of the PhD Project to apply to participate in the annual PhD Project – Baruch College Research Symposium in New York City. Accepted students will be designated PhD Project – Baruch College Doctoral Research Fellows.  For more information contact us at

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KPMG Board Fit

KPMG Board Leadership Center’s Board Fit program is an outgrowth of KPMG’s commitment to boardroom excellence and the importance of strong, diverse boards. Board Fit is conducted by our center’s board and governance experts.

For more information on this program, contact us at

Providence College Case Writing Workshop

This summer case writing workshop, held in June, was motivated by the need for more representation in business school curricula – especially in business school cases. Participants will hear from journal editors about how to source ideas and material for cases, about case publishing and about the importance of case teaching notes. AACSB staff will discuss the role case publishing can play in AACSB standards for faculty qualification and for impact. An interactive case “hackathon” will help you flesh out a case idea and develop a project plan for writing and submitting a case for publication in a peer-reviewed journal. This is open to both doctoral students and faculty members. There is no fee for the workshop, and you must commit to participating on both days.

For more information on this program, contact us at

Tepper School of Business Colloquium on AI for Business

The Tepper School of Business at Carnegie Mellon University is proud to announce the inaugural Colloquium on AI for Business in partnership with The PhD Project. The colloquium is for business scholars of all disciplines who have completed all academic coursework and are seeking faculty positions upon graduation.

The colloquium explores topics including generative AI, human-AI interaction, machine learning, large language models (LLM), and other emerging technologies in business contexts.

Any PhD Project member may apply. Those interested should submit an application with an updated CV and writing sample (extended abstract of research-in-progress, completed research, or research proposals).

Applications are due November 15th. Selected Participants will be notified by December 15.