Member Support and Resources
Support Network
A successful PhD journey requires a strong support network. Yet only those who are on, or have already followed, the same path truly understand the challenges and opportunities along the way.
The PhD Project’s Doctoral Students Associations (DSAs) and Faculty Alumni Associations (FAAs) provide members with that support, connecting them with people who can offer encouragement and insights grounded in experience.
We offer DSAs and FAAs for all five PhD Project disciplines:
- Accounting
- Finance & Economics
- Information Systems
- Management
- Marketing
Summer Opportunities
Each summer, PhD Project members have an opportunity to meet one another, along with leading educators, at the major professional association event for their industry. These multi-day events provide opportunities for networking, collaboration and learning, and help members forge relationships that extend well beyond their days as doctoral students. All expenses for The PhD Project conferences and related industry conferences are fully paid for eligible doctoral student members.
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